Saturday, March 12, 2011

Battle Breakdowns

I haven't posted anything in a while because I've been working on a video battle report. I want to do video battle reports a little differently than what I've seen. I think there is a lot of tactical advice that is lost in translation from the screen to the tabletop. I am going to record battles on my camera and then edit those videos with audio commentary and graphics--much like what you see when you watch NFL games.

Of course, this is a work in progress. Just look at the graphic I threw together to get this post up. I have already recorded one game, and I have learned so much for how to record my next battle report. Fortunate for me, a very good player agreed to let me record his game, and I know I have a lot of tactical lessons on film to work with.

I hope to have this video ready to view in a week or two.


  1. I'll be looking for them.

    You have a nice blog!


  2. This seemed like a good blog. So, what happened? I especially liked the pics that went along with it.

    You should consider restarting it and somehow getting the word out. You've several valid ideas and points here.
